Thursday 26 November 2009

Data skills test - Rate of 16-59 year olds who have used crack cocaine in their lifetime, per 1,000 population

Key to abbreviated regions, titling bars on horizontal axis:

NE - North East
NW - North West
Yorks - Yorkshire & Humberside
E.Mids - East Midlands
W.Mids - West Midlands
Eastern - Eastern region
LDN - London
SE - South East
SW - South West

My chart shows by region the number of people per 1,000 who use crack cocaine. It jumped out at me from the data store because our very own North West was so high, if you'll excuse the pun. With the exception of London which would probably be everyone's clear choice for first in this category, the North West is clearly shown to have the most crack cocaine users per 1,000 out of the provincial regions of England.

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